Our Goals​
To educate people about soil life - through workshops, presentations, and consulting,
To test and publish data on microbial life in soils, composts, and compost teas/extracts, bringing greater understanding and quality-control to the industry
To produce some of the finest quality compost available on the market,
To make compost extracts and teas more available to the public,
To rewild soils with microbes!

Colleen Dempster, primary contact, runs gardens, consulting, Cycle Inn, Facebook and Instagram. Colleen is a graduate of the Soil Foodweb School Foundation Courses and has been making biologically diverse compost and compost tea since 2019. She is a certified Soil Foodweb Laboratory Technician (since 2022 through Dr. Elaine Ingham's Soil Foodweb School). She can look at your compost/soil samples and report on biological metrics such as: number and type of nematodes, fungal to bacterial counts and ratios, number and type of protists, and more!
Colleen has an M.Sc. in Environmental and Life Science, a B.Sc. in Biology and Environmental Science, and a Post-graduate certificate in Ecosystem Restoration. She is also a certified yoga teacher and ISA Certified Arborist. With years of experience working "in the field" and sharing her knowledge in the community, Colleen is able apply a well-rounded approach to ecosystem consulting.
Scott Dempster, secondary contact, millwright. Scott can design and fix anything. Recently, he built four 1000L custom compost tea brewers for a client. Contact Scott for your off-grid, custom fab work questions.
Scott and Colleen moved to Uxbridge in 2016, with a vision to work with the land, exercise self-sustainability, and inspire others to steward the environment through native plants, nature connection, and now, composting. Their young daughter, dog Cache, chickens, and other wild things also inhabit this land.