The microbial world is as mysterious as the deep ocean or outer space. Invisible to the naked eye, soil microbes are just as important to the soil as plankton is to the ocean. Soil microbes make up the base of the soil food web, but unfortunately much of the world's soils (natural or artificial such as potting soil) are lacking the full suite of soil microbes. Certain modern agriculture practices (use of chemicals, tillage, monoculture crops) are actually destroying the soil, harming the environment, and producing poor quality foods. We need to shift our way of thinking and practices away from what was taught during the exploitative "green revolution" and back to working with nature.
Our soil restoration service considers the whole ecosystem. We consult with our clients to establish what exactly their goals are, and help them have a realistic understanding of what can be accomplished. We conduct site visits and examine site characteristics, including taking "before" and "after" soil samples to monitor changes in soil biology. With this, we create a comprehensive package to help you understand and manage your soils better.
Compost tea/extract applications: Take the guesswork out of making and applying your compost tea - let us do it for you! We are now applying compost tea/extract starting at $120 for a front yard and $200 for a full property!
Soil Health Packages include a deeper look in to your soil. We start with a site assessment to determine the best product, target area(s), and mode(s) of application. We take two types of soil tests: microbial (soil biology) and traditional (chemical and physical properties of your soil). After three treatments we take another round of soil tests to determine how the treatments worked, and inform future management practices, in a final Soil Health Report.
Soil Health Packages: Click here for program details.
Contact Colleen for questions, quotes, or to book a presentation!

Microbiology Reports
We look at soil/compost/tea samples under a microscope, which allows us to identify and enumerate soil microbes including: protists, nematodes, bacteria, fungi, and more. We then produce a comprehensive microbiology report that is comparable with other Soil Foodweb Certified Labs.
$120 per report or 3 for $300. Click: Example report.
Soil Health Packages
Compost tea/extract applications!
We now deliver and apply our microscope-tested compost teas and extracts. These teas/extracts are made fresh with my finest compost, and applied discretely with a hand pump sprayer or watering can.
Starts at $120, delivery not included.
Call for a plan/quote.
Consulting and Outreach
We consider your goals and expectations, site conditions from landscape to microscopic, and we help design a meaningful restoration program for you. Available to chat via email, phone, or in-person (site visits).
We also do presentations and host workshops!
Variable rates
Email Colleen to inquire!